Zima. Nie rozpieszcza nas ostatnio. Jest, a jakby jej nie było. A ja lubię śnieg i mróz. Pamiętacie Dziadka Mroza rysującego na szybach obrazy? Jako dziecko uwielbiałam wgapiać się w szczegóły maleńkich drobinek na szybie. Uwielbiam głęboką ciszę, w jaką zapada świat, gdy przykryje go śnieg. Tak ładnie wszystko zwalnia. Źle mi, że zima kolejny rok jakby nie jest sobą. Pozostaje kreowanie sobie zimowych wspomnień choćby na papierze..W Diabelskim Młynie ZIMA jest tematem najnowszego wyzwania Nats. Zapraszam do wspólnej zabawy :) Ja wykorzystałam grafiki z arkusza styczeń Graphic 45 (kojarzy mi się z feriami), tekturki Wycinanki i musiałam dodać też koronki i guziki. :) Dopiero początek lutego, więc może jeszcze spadnie śnieg? :)
Winter. Doesn't spoil us these days. It is her time, and it's as if she's gone already. And I like the snow and frost. Do you remember Father Frost drawing all those amazing icy painting on windows? As a kid I used to love to stare at every tiny detail of icy masterpiece. Do you know this deep embracing silence that covers the world when the snow fell? It's like as the whole world has slowen down a bit. It's so sad that it's another year when the winter is not winterish. All that remains is only to create some winter cheers, memories and atmosphere, even on paper. In Diabelski Młyn we started new challenge and WINTER is the main theme. I used my old Graphic 45 January elements sheet (it reminds me of winter school break), Wycinanka's chipboards and some laces and buttons :) February has just started so maybe there's a chance the snow to fall? :)
Winter. Doesn't spoil us these days. It is her time, and it's as if she's gone already. And I like the snow and frost. Do you remember Father Frost drawing all those amazing icy painting on windows? As a kid I used to love to stare at every tiny detail of icy masterpiece. Do you know this deep embracing silence that covers the world when the snow fell? It's like as the whole world has slowen down a bit. It's so sad that it's another year when the winter is not winterish. All that remains is only to create some winter cheers, memories and atmosphere, even on paper. In Diabelski Młyn we started new challenge and WINTER is the main theme. I used my old Graphic 45 January elements sheet (it reminds me of winter school break), Wycinanka's chipboards and some laces and buttons :) February has just started so maybe there's a chance the snow to fall? :)
Kartkę zgłaszam do Chaika Shop na wyzwanie z tekturkami :)
It goes to Chaika Shop Challenge with chipboards :)

Ukochy! Hugs!
Wspaniała klarteczka, świetna kompozycja.podoba mi się . Pozdrawiam
OdpowiedzUsuńGuziczki! Super pomysł- ekstra karteczka1 Pozdrawiam!
OdpowiedzUsuńNice work! Thank you! blog Чайка shop